Balade thématique

The flora

Here is the menu for the flora theme :.

" Budding botanist " (except winter)
An easy stroll to enter the world of plants with a multitude of possible approaches : the different types of plants, their functioning : from flowers to fruit, perfume, colour, relationship with insects, initiation to determination, medicinal and culinary properties.

" The mountain forest "
Comparison of an adret and ubac slope. Identification of trees by observing the bark, buds, leaves, fruits, environment, associated vegetation, animal life, human activities...

(Do not hesitate to ask us for the detailed technical data sheet).
A full day on the theme of willow and basketry, where the children, in half a class, will discover all the secrets of willow... or rather willows through an accompanied walk, and will learn with a professional basket maker, how to use it to weave it.

Basketry workshop rate : 300 € for the day for one class.

" Story soup " (not in winter)
During a walk, discover edible wild plants through tales.