Balade thématique

Man and the mountains

Here is the menu around the theme of "man and the mountain" :

" Life of the mountain dwellers "
A walk around the villages to meet the people of our valleys, their habitat, their traditions : their heritage. What was life like in the past ? Where did they build their houses, why and how ? The evolution of the landscape and farming techniques...

" Pastoralism " (except winter)
An outing around the profession of sheep farmer and sheep farming. Composition of a flock, the role of the shepherd. The mountain pastures. Exploitation of the sheep industry. Possibility of visiting an exhibition on pastoralism at the "Maison du Berger" with whom we work in collaboration.

" Paul’s museum ".
During a discovery walk (about 2h30) around the "Musée de Paul" in Manteyer (05), children will discover some facets of the life of mountain people and their adaptation to this rich and sometimes hostile environment.
Then we will go to visit the museum (about 2h30) of Paul Cayrasso, guide and storyteller, presenting part of his collection of old popular objects, collected over the years and through encounters.
Two whole classes can spend the day (two and a half hours for each part).

This museum is also itinerant, with Paul being able to move around the centre. Four classes can thus pass through during the day to discover all these treasures.
Rate : Day : 400 € (rate valid for up to 4 classes)

" Sustainable development and human settlements "
All our interventions can be oriented towards Sustainable Development in order to place the subject in its entirety : Preservation of biodiversity, resources (water, forest...), cohabitation between different mountain areas (agriculture, livestock, protected areas, ski areas...).

Nevertheless, this walk focuses on :
History and changes in mountain lifestyles transforming landscapes and resources. Children will have to decipher the landscape in order to differentiate between wild and "humanised" landscapes.