Atelier nature

Art / Crafts

Here is the menu for the nature workshops around art and crafts :}

" Wood carving "]
After drawing their own rosette, the children, well supervised, will learn how to carve their support in complete safety using a simple pocket knife. Rigour, delicacy and attention. Guaranteed results !
Attention, the nature workshop takes place over one day : ½ class by ½ day, from CE2 onwards.

" Green music " (except winter)
During a "bush walk", make musical instruments from what nature can provide us with.

" The budding alchemists " (except winter)
Show them in all their colours with elderberry, make the ink of the Middle Ages to create small original works that children will take away,...
After a collection-identification of different plants around the centre, several workshops will be proposed to the children so that they can create small surprising pictures with the plants... (but not only...!)
Attention : bring clothes that don’t fear anything, like an old sweatshirt...